My usual method is to lengthen the stems of the beamed groups - [Tools/Advanced Tools/Special Tools/Beam Angle] - and if necessary, hide the rest in Voice 1, and create one in Voice 2 in Speedy, as Robert Patterson recently wrote in this list - or Layer 1(hide) and Layer 2 (create) in Simple input. You should be able to restore the rests to their original positions.


----- Original Message ----- From: "dc" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: [Finale] beams over rests

I have a piece where 16th rests alternate with 16th notes beamed two by two, which means the beam is over the rest. Is there a plug-in or some way to avoid having the beams collide with the rests (some of which are vertically shifted, because there are two voices or layers on the same staff)?



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