Not the Note Mover TOOL - Note Position Tool in the SPECIAL TOOLS palette

On Feb 21, 2010, at 1:38 PM, Christopher Smith wrote:

On Sun Feb 21, at SundayFeb 21 2:23 PM, dc wrote:

David Froom écrit:
I just tried what I think was wrong.  My guess is that your guy did
manual spacing with the special tools note mover thing, or he dragged
things while in speedy note (it amounts to the same thing).

In either case, the manual dragging will NOT be fixed by spacing
commands, which leave manual spacing done with special tools intact.

You can fix it, though, by choosing the note mover in special tools,
drag-selecting all the handles, and hitting delete to clear the manual

Give it a try.

I just did exactly what you say, and the notes simply disappear when I hit delete in the Note Mover tool.


Backspace, or Clear on a Mac. There might be a different key for that on PC.


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