Jef - worked fine on mine. (F2010)

Exploded to three staves.


I use this plugin all the time.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
SN jef chippewa
Sent: 25 February 2010 19:07
Subject: [Finale] TGTools help from anyone who has 2 minutes?

hi, would appreciate it if anyone who can spare 2 minutes can have a look at

tobias can't seem to find anything wrong with his plugin (smart explosion /
smart distribution) and i can't get it to work even on this extremely simple
file (created in F2010 new doc with no libraries).  i need to find out if
anyone else can actually make it work, and if not, if they are getting the
same error messages as me.

also if anyone has successfully used the plugin in F2010, please let me
know.  i am fully willing to admit the problem may be in my setup but am not
able to establish that for certain, since i know of at least a couple other
people who have had problems with this PI.

most frustrating is that the developer doesn't seem to want to admit there
is a problem as long as it works as expected on his own setup...



open the following doc:

1) go to scroll view, select the first measure and select
"TGTools/Parts/Smart Explosion of multi-part staves... (set "Maximum
original number of parts per staff" to "3", the other settings shouldn't
make a difference)

2) make a screenshot of the message with the TGTool dialogue fully viewable
(to see what your settings are)

3) exit (cancel/escape) all dialogues, save the doc as
"TGTools_partexplosion03_YOURLASTNAME.mus" and send it and the screenshot to
me privately

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