
Though you don't specify what you're using to produce the prefatory material, if you're using a word processor, you may well find that there is a mechanism within the word processor for generating a symbol. In Wordperfect, three of the available symbols which can be inserted into a document are a flat, a sharp, and a natural.

If you are producing the prefatory material as a Finale text block, since Finale 2000, there has been at least one manner of shifting the baseline so as to move the baseline of a character up or down without moving the size of the item. If you want to do it as you go, highlight the natural sign, select the "text" option in the menu bar, and from the drop down menu select "baseline shift". If you want to make all the adjustments at once after you've finished completed the editing, you can also find the "baseline shift" menu item subsidiary to the "text item" in the "edit text" dialog box.

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