Christopher Smith wrote:

>Normally I agree with Mark D. Lew out of the box on all things  
>relating to spacing (his posts a couple of years back on lyric  
>spacing were a Master's seminar), but in this case I would just shift  
>that left hand first beat (both notes) a little to the left so that  
>the stem UP note aligns with the right hand instead of the stem down  
>note. You have the extra space at the start of the measure already  
>because of the grace note in the right hand, so that saves you some  
>awkward manual spacing. It should be enough.

Thanks for the kind words. I think I'm more at peace with Finale's spacing 
errors than most users since I tweak spacing so often anyway. There's a LOT of 
situations where Finale's spacing is acceptable but not optimal. Due to my 
natural inclination and the type of work I usually do, I'm frequently editing 
bars like that anyway. I know I'm not a typical user, though.

Having recently upgraded from v04, I've noticed several improvements where what 
was formerly unacceptable is now acceptable but still not what I really want. 
So while I appreciate that it's an improvement, for me personally it doesn't 
really reduce my work since I'm still going to edit the measure.  If this layer 
problem were fixed, I imagine it would be a similar story.

In the current example, I see your point, but I think I still want the downstem 
notes to be the ones that align with the RH. I don't have a hard-and-fast rule 
for these things, but that's what feels right to me. It's possible I'd change 
my mind after seeing how it looks each way, or if something in the the larger 
context of the music makes a difference.

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