I typically use layers, not voices. Even if I only need a second voice for part of the measure, I'll usually use a layer and blank out the rests for the rest of the measure. Mostly that's out of habit, but also because I have a vague sense that layers are more reliable. Or maybe it's only because I'm used to them.

In your example, you have a few spots where noteheads a second apart are colliding. I don't understand why that's happening; in my experience Finale handles those correctly

The rest of your problems have to do with accidentals in one voice preceding with the previous notes. For those what I would do is temporarily add the voice 2 note in voice 1, with accidental; respace the measure; then undo the change and don't respace. This is a little more work, but it's a sound process that works consistently and well, unlike eyeballing it with the beat chart or adding space with TG Tools.

It would be nice if Finale would do this automatically, and it sounds like they're aware of the problem, but in the meantime, that's what I do.

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