In Staff Attributes you have the option to display these things on a per-staff basis. The Global Staff Attributes plugin will do it for every staff in one go. If you only need to do this for a portion of a staff, create a Staff Style, which can do pretty much anything the Staff Attributes can, but you can apply it to only certain measures (or parts of a measure.) I think Staff Styles were available in 2004.


On Sat May 29, at SaturdayMay 29 4:09 PM, Bob Clifton wrote:

I have that uh-oh feeling that the answer to this is so obvious that I'm going to be embarrassed. But I'll ask it again anyhow.

At 12:00 PM 5/26/2010 -0500, I wrote:
I have a dim memory of being able to hide chords and/or lyrics in
display and/or printouts without removing them from the file, but
can't remember what you do.  I don't see it in the staff attributes
dialog, or in the chord or measure pull-downs.  Oh, 2004.

Thanks in advance.

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