Bob Clifton wrote:

I have a dim memory of being able to hide chords and/or lyrics in
display and/or printouts without removing them from the file,

The only way I ever found to hide lyrics in FIN 2k4 is a kludge. Define the staff, and set the baseline position relative to the staff so that the lyric is off the page. So let's say you're doing multiple verses in a grand staff, and you want to hide the lyric for verse 3, and we'll assume further that you're using 8-1/2 x 11 inch (or for European readers, A4) paper. If you set the baseline for the lyric you want to hide at a +18 inches, the lyric will "print" well off the paper, and not be visible.

I've never used chords, but I assume that the same principle might be applicable in that subsystem, as well.

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