On 2010/07/18, at 17:43, David W. Fenton wrote:

> Has anyone mucked about with using high-quality samples of pipe 
> organs with relatively simple keyboards?
> My viol consort may need a rehearsal instrument while the pipe organ 
> is being rebuilt, and I was wondering if perhaps there are proper 5-
> octave keyboards (i.e., F-to-F, not C-to-C) into which high-quality 
> samples can be loaded. Since we're using it for continuo, we'd need 
> only an 8' flute stop.
> Any ideas on this?

Hi David,
I don't think you will ever be satisfied as long as the sound comes out of 
speaker(s) unless you spent a lot on something like Bose L1 system for sound 
output.  Can harpsichord not substitute for the time being?

On the other hand, I knew an organist who used to use a MIDI controller with 
Roland SoundCanvas on live until he got his own Positive.  He had a good ear, 
and EQed using his own PA system to blend with the Early music chamber 
ensemble.  It is possible, but the player has to know how to EQ depending on 
the venue/room.

In fact it's a consistent problem for us who use amplification.  I, too, do EQ 
my rig before the show every venue, trying to sound my flute as seamless as 

- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Greater Boston
http://a-no-ne.com   http://anonemusic.com

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