Notation: okay I'll accept that you don't need any advice for standard
notation (your "post-Breitkopf" stuff). I don't either.

Specifics of engraving style, maybe. (This is very different than notation.)
Ross addresses engraving, not notation, and if you are not familiar with
him, or with some other similar treatise, you probably would find quite a
lot in there that you had not previously thought about. I found Ross,
despite the lack of academic polish in his style, to be invaluable.
Obviously, if you have already studied engraving as a separate topic than
notation, you may not need any more advice there.

Where Stone excels is when you need a notation you've never seen before.
Cases where I have either taken his recommendations, or used them as the
basis of a notation of my own devising:

* indication of specific locations on gong to strike (side, top, center,
* blowing air through a horn mouthpiece without pitch.
* playing specific strings below the bridge of a string instrument, and/or
mixing that with normal playing
* making a circular motion on a drum head or gong
* various inside the piano effects
* percussion battery score order.

I can conceive that you may never have need for this kind of advice, but the
above list barely scratches the surface of what's in there. And Stone didn't
just produce it like Athena out of Zeus's brow. His book is basically the
minutes of an international conference in 1980 of interested parties who
came together to come up with these recommendations. It represents a fairly
broad consensus for that time. If you don't need it, fine. But lumping it in
with "the notation guides", like it was some sort of "dummy's" book, shows a
surprising lack of appreciation for the contents. It makes me wonder if
you've looked at it.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:50 PM, David W. Fenton

> But I'm not engraving post-1840s music, other than my own, and in
> that case, I know what the correct notation is without having to look
> it up in a book!
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