Wow! Looks like you have it covered.

The only thing I see missing is something about talking to composers/ clients. You mentioned a few times with me about how part of your job was education and how hard it was to tread a fine line between pissing off the client and helping him. That is something I haven't mastered yet, and few geeks have, either. Funny how almost everything technical comes down eventually to human interactions (like your take on graphic design being about the human eye and brain!)

I hope this seminar is documented!


On Tue Sep 21, at TuesdaySep 21 9:13 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

hi, i'm putting together a seminar (more like a lecture and workshop) looking at aspects of new music notation and eventually also finale tips.

wondering if anyone has any comments -- having seen my work or knowing my views on new music notation -- about what YOU would hope i would address if you were attending the seminar. *please contact me off-list*

the format i am preparing is for 2-3 hours but the first one has to be 4 hrs (ugh). topics will be presented as "modules" so i can easily adjust for different lengths / needs. modules in development are: basic graphic design considerations, font use, notation standards (trad. and cont.), overview of notation reform proposals, score types and their function, transcription session of new music fragments with comparison of results, group discussion dissecting a published score in minute detail to determine how it could be improved, use of plugins and other software (workflow), and resources (bibliography, fonts and other tools).

any comments would be greatly appreciated.

oddly enough the first time i give this will be at a sibelius conference...


shirling & neueweise
new music notation  +  translation  +  arts management |
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