On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:12 PM, SN jef chippewa wrote:

i find sometimes with some users that habit is actually the main reason not to incorporate new functionality in their work... ;-)

And a very fine reason it is. Habit is valuable. It takes a fairly high threshold of functionality to warrant breaking it.

Speaking of nudging, I'd also like each articulation definition to have an offset for when it's put over a whole note. I haven't broken down and made a separate fermata articulation for whole notes, but I probably should, since I'm always nudging them.

check "centre horizontally"

Well, I'll be darned. They ARE different now. On double-whole note, too.

I must have been remembering from how it was before I upgraded to v2010, and somehow I didn't notice that it's better now.

I take back my complaint. In this respect, the way Finale works now is just fine.


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