I have several files made (more fool me!) with Sigler's SwingFont.
Now I have to convert them in PDF to send them to musicians who
don't own Finale.
Making the conversion I get an Adobe error telling that the owner of the 
(Macromedia) doesn't allow to embed the font in PDF's (unbelievable!).
On the computer I'm using the only virtual printer driver comes from Adobe
and I cannot install other drivers as Cute, pdf995 and so on.
As they are multistaff scores I don't have the time to rewrite them from
scratch, so I tried to substitute all fonts loading all the JazzFont 
from document options. Well, not all the fonts are switched.
Dynamic expressions (f, mf, p, > and so on) remain SwingFont, the same
for score and composer names.
Any hints?
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