On 2/10/2012 12:20 PM, John Howell wrote:
> And unless you know that you are writing for
> musicians who are familiar with new notational
> conventions, I would urge you NOT to invent new
> signs, or new meanings for old and understood
> sings, which then have to be explained in text.
> If I came across Aaron's wide fermata I would
> have no idea at all how to interpret it, but I
> would NOT interpret it as he means it.

Hmm. I take your point, John, but I'm quite sure that I'm not inventing 
this notation and that I've seen it in other scores. I want to say it 
was in vocal music, where the voice has a few melismatic notes over a 
held note in the accompaniment. That would be a situation very similar 
to the one I have, except that the vocal notes weren't dictated.

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