On Thu, 29 Mar, David H. Bailey wrote:

"Which means that reasonable pricing and reasonable availability which 
makes it easy and reasonable for everybody to buy their own copy rather 
than share copies (such as has been the fallout of the recorded music 
industry) is the best remedy."

Yes, I think that's a key issue here. If the product is priced reasonably and 
is convenient to get, then there's less incentive to pirate. It seems to me 
that PDFs _have_ to be priced lower than paper products or piracy is more 

The case with mp3's is slightly different. With PDFs, the quality is _in_ 
there. You just have to have to equipment to properly print it. Mp3's are 
inferior quality to uncompressed audio.

[Start flame war.]

Paul Hayden

Magnolia Music Press

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