On 6/5/2012 5:18 PM, Neal Gittleman wrote:
> Cut time, and the composer's notation in each bar is as follows:  two dotted 
> half notes with eighth-note slash for repeated notes and a 6 above each note, 
> yielding 12 sextuplet eighths in each bar.

A couple of things come to mind. The first, if playback is not a 
concern, is just to apply the 6 and the dot each as articulations. So 
you just enter two half notes, then apply three articulations to each 
note (slash, 6, dot), which you can do in three quick passes by dragging 
with the articulation tool.

Second would be to do this in Speedy:

1. Hit Ctrl-6, indicating a sextuplet, then enter an eighth note on the 
desired pitch.
2. Cursor back and change the eighth to a half note, then add the dot.
3. Repeat for second half of bar.

Now you have the dot and the tuplet in place, and all you have to do is 
add the slash articulation. You may also need to change tuplet 
definitions in these measures to get rid of the bracket.

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