On Dec 1, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Lawrence Yates wrote:

> I used audacity to do exactly this last week with some cassettes recorded
> in 1984.  I simply plugged the output jack plug into the microphone socket
> of my pc.

I have Audacity.  I didn't realize it was as simple as plugging the output jack 
into the microphone socket.  I'll give that a try -- with a different tape, 
first -- and see how it works.

> Maybe I should add that this was purely so that I could listen to them on
> my cd player, not to make anything like a professional copy.  If the
> cassettes are rare/valuable then you need to take all the precautions
> outlined by Dennis (and it would do you no harm to take those precautions
> anyway.)

The tape I want I've played as recently as two years ago and it sounded fine, 
so I think it's probably still in good shape. But yeah, I'll go ahead and take 
the precautions since it's my only copy.  It has no commercial or archival 
value, just sentimental value to me.

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