No, they are not repeating notes.  Besides, it is 
a 2-measure phrase which repeats several times 
among different voices, and all the others play 
ok.  Just the alto line, which is turned up 
pretty high, and marked forte right at that entry.

I have tried this new stripped-down copy both 
with and without HP, but it doesn't seem to make much difference either way.


At 01:57 PM 4/7/2013, you wrote:
>Are the notes that are not playing repeated notes of the same pitch?
>I often have to shorten notes so the repeated ones will play.  I will
>routinely use the midi tool to highlight the entire score, then under midi
>tool menu select "edit note durations," then "percent alter"  to a number
>like 96 or 94 percent of original length (or higher or lower, depending on
>the legato vs staccato nature of the score and how much reverb you are
>using).  That takes care of the repeated notes problem.
>Human playback seems to make notes longer than 100% and the overlap creates
>the problem.
>For volumes, you can strip the midi velocities using the procedure I
>described earlier, and just use volumes.
>The idiosyncratic nature of playback seems to multiply with Finale X Human
>Playback X GPO, but with patience can really pay off.   Speaking of
>playback volume, when GPO first appeared, it only responded to commands
>that used Modulation, not Key Velocity.  This meant we had to define a set
>of dynamics that used the Mod wheel.  Later, GPO was supposed to respond to
>the same Key Velocity dynamics that Finale had by default.  But, sometimes
>I notice that those don't work and I have to define some for Modulation.  I
>haven't needed to make a good demo in a while, so I don't know where this
>stands, now, so try some of both.  (To define a dynamic for Modulation,
>"duplicate" a dynamic and "edit" the "playback" to "controller /
>modulation" and try some different numbers there.)
>Raymond Horton
>Bass Trombonist, Louisville Orchestra
>Minister of Music, Edwardsville (IN) UMC
>Composer, Arranger
>On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Phil Buglass <> wrote:
> > As I said in another post, most of the tempo
> > changes - both wanted and unwanted - failed to
> > survive the night.  I think the cat must be
> > getting on here after I am asleep...
> >
> > Today's problem is getting the program to
> > consistently play the notes that are there.  I
> > have a couple of sections where nothing gets
> > played in one part for a few measures.  I have
> > some places where it gets played but *so* quietly
> > that I am not sure it isn't my imagination
> > providing a 'fill in'.   I have the volumes
> > turned up pretty high using studio view, and the
> > parts are marked f or ff, but they still play very quietly.
> >
> > I haven't given up yet, but there are a few head-shaped dents in the
> > wall...
> >
> > Phil.
> >
> > At 12:02 PM 4/7/2013, you wrote:
> > >OK, Phil, looking over your older posts, I am guessing you are using
> > >Finale-Windows 2012.  I have that, but because of a couple of issues I
> > >reverted to 2011.  I am going to be trying 2012 again in a few days,
> > though.
> > >
> > >I think this stuff has not changed, so try this:
> > >
> > >1) Save your file
> > >
> > >2) With the Selection Tool, select all of the bars from which you want to
> > >remove the tempo changes.  Depending on the length of the piece, you can
> > do
> > >this with a shift-click at both ends, or you can go to the "Edit" menu and
> > >click "select region and follow the instructions there.  You'll probably
> > >want to select all of the staves (vertically) in the region.
> > >
> > >3) Click on  the "Edit" menu again, and click on "clear selected items."
> >  A
> > >menu will open up - first, select "none."  Then, select "midi data" on the
> > >right, and "Expressions: Tempo marks..." (etc.) on the left.  Click "OK"
> > at
> > >the bottom, and it should clear all of the extra expressions and any
> > hidden
> > >midi info.
> > >
> > >4) Then save it under a different name, just in case you deleted anything
> > >important, play it back and see where you are.  We can go from there.
> > >
> > >Raymond Horton
> > >Bass Trombonist, Louisville Orchestra
> > >Minister of Music, Edwardsville (IN) UMC
> > >Composer, Arranger
> > >
> > >
> > >On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Phil Buglass <>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that...
> > > >
> > > > I am finding this process very frustrating. Most
> > > > of my stuff is producing printed music to be
> > > > played, but this one is to be 'performed'. Trying
> > > > to get it to sound right is driving me in
> > > > circles. Some of the stuff - articulations,
> > > > slurs, for example - are interpreted by the human
> > > > playback. To get it to alter tempo, the manual says that HP has to be
> > off.
> > > >
> > > > I could probably do this easier using midi in
> > > > Music Creator, but this was why I shelled out
> > > > hard-earned money to buy the Garritan GPO, to get
> > > > the realistic sound. Some of the examples on the
> > > > Garritan website are incredible - I couldn't tell
> > > > they weren't played by real musicians. How do
> > > > they do it??? I realise that they have probably
> > > > been working with the program for years, while I
> > > > have had it about 3 months, but even then... I
> > > > could do it in midi then import it, but importing
> > > > midi is not the program's strongest aspect. One
> > > > piece I ended up entering from scratch because I
> > > > couldn't get it to play properly.
> > > >
> > > > I have places in this piece where the program
> > > > doesn't play the notes that are written. Just
> > > > totally ignores them! If it played them wrong, at
> > > > least I would have an idea where to look. I have
> > > > a bit of melody which hops around different
> > > > parts, and in at least one place, it plays the
> > > > first note and then ignores the rest.
> > > >
> > > > Hey guys, sorry for the rant. I guess I am just
> > > > fighting a very steep learning curve!
> > > >
> > > > Phil.
> > > >
> > > > At 06:00 PM 4/6/2013, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >You could clear the performance data
> > > > >
> > > > >Mark McCarron
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend.
> > > > Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” ­ Groucho Marx
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
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