Hi Lawrence,

You know it's been so long since I used the ossia tool that I don't even 
remember why I decided to avoid it. If I remember correctly (and I could be 
wrong), there have been various discussions over the years about the ossia tool 
and most of the comments have been negative. But I'm certainly open to using it 
-- not using it creates its own problems.

Paul Hayden

On May 22, 2013, Lawrence Yates wrote:

> Without implying any criticism at all, may I ask why you prefer not to use
> the ossia tool?
> Cheers,
> Lawrence
> On 21 May 2013 18:30, Paul Hayden <phayden...@cox.net> wrote:
>> Wow, that worked! Thanks so much, Christopher. I thought I had tried this,
>> but I must have selected more staves to hide than just the new, blank ossia
>> staff. At any rate, when I hid the new staff, the layout went back to what
>> I originally had.
>> Paul Hayden
>> On May 21, 2013, Christopher Smith wrote:
>>> In the Staff Tool, select the entire extra staff (click in the margin
>> next to the staff name) and select Hide Empty Staves from the Staff Menu.
>> It will only affect the staves (and systems) you've selected, and only the
>> empty ones, so the system that has music in it will not be hidden. It WILL
>> be hidden in all the other systems.
>>> Christopher
>>> On Mon May 20, at MondayMay 20 5:33 PM, Paul Hayden wrote:
>>>> FinMac12
>>>> OS X 10.6.8
>>>> I need to add an ossia staff to one page of an already-laid-out
>> orchestral score. I usually avoid the ossia tool and just add an extra
>> staff which I set at 75%. However, now when I add the extra staff (in Page
>> View), it shows up on all pages, forcing me to go back and adjust each
>> system.
>>>> Can you just add a staff to one page without it showing up on all the
>> other pages you've already laid out? I thought deactivating "Automatic
>> Update Layout" (in Preferences) might work, but it didn't.
>>>> Please CC your reply to me as I'm on the digest.
>>>> Thanks very much.
>>>> Paul Hayden
>>>> Magnolia Music Press
>>>> <www.paulhayden.com>
>>>> Voice & Pre-arranged fax:  225-769-9604
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