That does seem to be the experience of the majority.  However, the 
vendors claim great success and apparently some people are finding it 
good enough to use, at least occasionally.  If there are 
hardware/software/parameter combinations that improve the results, I'd 
like to discover that because I would use this function a lot if it 
didn't require manually editing every single measure.

I still believe that the goal for software should be, "If the human 
brain can easily do it, then software ought to be able to reach that 
same level."  Clearly even in the most optimistic case, music 
recognition software is only 5% of the way toward that ideal.

On 1/22/2014 3:02 PM, Lawrence Yates wrote:
> I gave up with scanning music - there were so many mistakes that it was
> easier and quicker to re-type the entire document than scan, check and
> correct.
> Sorry,
> Lawrence

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