I have not seen that particular bug, so I cannot say for certain if it 
is fixed.  I haven't scanned enough different music to say for certain 
that I should have stumbled on that

I just scanned a 5 page etude that has LOTS of notes (flute + grand 
staff for piano).  The only "pitch" problems happened on three measures 
where SmartScore mysteriously decided to jump into another key.  This is 
easy to correct in Finale by setting the key and asking Finale to hold 
the notes to their original position on the staff.  (Or you can fix it 
directly in Smartscore by deleting that phantom key signature, but I had 
already sent it to Finale by the time I discovered the error.) Of that 5 
pages, I think I had 10 measures where the piano part missed some notes 
in its offbeat right hand cluster.  The solo part had a lot of errors, 
but I didn't care about that because I was just trying to get the piano 
accompaniment.  There were 5-10 places where I was either missing a rest 
or a note came through as the wrong duration.  I was just listening to 
the whole thing rendered under Finale and I think I heard one note in 
the entire piece that might have the wrong pitch, so I have to 
investigate that.

The MusicXML process worked well.  It even locked the systems so that 
the page layout in Finale is very close to the original printed layout.  
I did get one diagnostic message during the XML import indicating some 
value was out of range.  I suspect that was on the solo part because 
some of that was wacky.

I noticed something strange.  Some of the accents were extremely loud.  
The definition for playback of the accent wasn't bad (attack at 130%.)  
I think the problem is that SmartScore (or the MusicXML import) stacked 
3 accents on top of each other and the effect was cumulative. It only 
took a second to wipe out those accents and insert clean accents where 
they are needed.

That whole process, including some learning curve time for me was a 
little over an hour for these 6 pages.  I have more to do in Finale to 
give it realistic styling and dynamics,  If I had tried to do this by 
hand, it would have been 3+ hours and a severe headache.  After what I 
learned here, I think I could do this project in about 30 minutes the 
next time.

I am using the full Pro version, which enables some feature recognition 
that isn't active in the lesser versions.  They have a special upgrade 
price of $199 for Finale users (that is half the normal list price).  
You can get the Songbook edition for $99. Songbook has all the 
recognition features of "Pro" but is limited to 3 staffs.

On 1/29/2014 2:46 PM, Clif Ashcraft wrote:
> Craig:
>       Please let us know if you find significant improvements in the 
> SmartScore Pro X2 upgrade.  I'm not really interested in new bells and 
> whistles, just whether it does a better job at getting the pitches, scales, 
> time signatures and durations entered accurately.  I am particularly 
> interested in whether the bug got fixed that ignores the accidental in the 
> second measure when you have a tied over accidental in the measure before.  I 
> waste more time on that one bug than anything else. The scanned result looks 
> good but does not playback properly.
>               Clif Ashcraft
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