On Feb 2, 2014, at 3:34 PM, Craig Parmerlee <cr...@parmerlee.com> wrote:

> On 2/2/2014 3:34 PM, Peter Taylor wrote:
>> I'm with Christopher on this question - I *always* use expressions for 
>> text repeats, and cccasionally I've even inserted them in the measure 
>> AFTER a MM rest to make sure they're visible. If I ever want to record 
>> the playback I use hidden text repeats - they work just as well.
> I must be missing something.  The issue is that I can't drag a "road 
> map" marker when it falls with a multi-measure rest.

I'm not sure you're missing anything.  What you say just above is true.

>  It seems to me 
> that expressions don't show up at all in the parts when they are 
> attached to the last measure of a mm rest.

Also true and especially a pain for a DS.

>  I guess I could go and 
> manually add them to the page layout for each part, but that doesn't 
> seem like a very elegant solution.

It's not elegant.  It's clumsy - but it does work, and it's the only way I know 
to accomplish a part that looks right.

I put the necessary expressions in the score (above the first measure of what 
will be a MM rest in each part - a pain in the ass to figure out if that first 
measure of rest comes in different places for different instruments) - 
deselecting "Show" and disabling "break MM rests" (careful with this - it can 
make you miss one of these that gets hidden within a rest in a part!) and then 
choosing the expression in the part and selecting "Show".  Maybe there's a 
better way, but I haven't figured it out, and as I have said before, with my 
limited understanding of how Finale works under the hood, I don't see an easy 
programming fix.  I wish I did.  I'd campaign for it.  As I think about this, I 
should use two sets of signs - one set that breaks rests and one that doesn't, 
but I haven't yet set this up.

Most things in Finale seem to be done right or are slowly improved as the 
program matures.  This thing just stays messed up.  I live with it - not 
necessarily happily.


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