Hi Robert, 

The "Blank Notation with Rests" staff style allows the measures to which it's 
applied to be collapsed into multimeasure rests.


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On Apr 29, 2014, at 3:20 PM, Robert Patterson <rob...@robertgpatterson.com> 

> I am working on a piece where I want to show part of some of the other
> staves as cue lines, but only in certain sections of the piece. I know how
> to hide the parts that I don't want using Force Hide (Collapse) staff
> styles, but I can't get it to make multimeas rests. The only solution I can
> think of is to duplicate the staves I want to use as cues, but that defeats
> the whole purpose. I might as well duplicate the file.
> Does anyone have a better suggestion?
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