Try this:  Select all file, go to Edit/ edit filter. Then, in filter,
select only "midi data" and erase using filter.  If that doesn't fix
it, go back and add other elements to the filter (expressions, etc.)
until it does
Raymond Horton
Bass Trombonist, Louisville Orchestra
Minister of Music, Edwardsville (IN) UMC
Composer, Arranger

On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Michael Lawlor <> wrote:
> [Finale 2009]
> I have encountered a problem I have had in the past and did not get a
> resolution to - I had to delete the affected bars and enter the notes
> from scratch.  I am using the VST instruments in Finale: violin and
> piano.  I have not changed the dynamics or changed to or from pizzicato
> or any other technique that could affect playback. The violin volume
> just drops to almost nothing, while the piano part continues at the
> original dynamic level.  It happened earlier in the work and I deleted
> the bars and entered them from scratch and it fixed the problem, but I
> do not want to have to do this every 10 bars or so.  Does anyone know
> what might be going wrong?
> Regards,
> Michael Lawlor
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