Patsy, I can only offer encouragement, since I'm on a mac.  However, as a
Finale user from the very first release (in what feels like the stone age)
and have upgraded fairly consistently over the years.  I have always
praised Finale with each release for the kind of intuitive improvements
they made--little things, that saved time and worked better than before.

Then I left a gap over a year ago when i installed 2012. I couldn't find
anything I was used to.  A lot of things were better than before, but
many--like changing the names of tools and putting them in a different
menu--made me crazy,  And there were other problems that even the Finale
help site and other forums were of no use.  I'm afraid to install 2014 for
fear that the things I'm currently working on will be delayed by more
changes. This forum has resulted in many, many hints and help, but there
are still some elements that remain a mystery.

In any case, I wish you well with your new computer and the new Finale
Windows version. And I hope there are a lot of Windows users here to guide
you through the thicket of changes!



On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 8:35 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> Greetings from England, and very best wishes for the New Year.
> I started using Finale at version 2.2, back in 1994, and tracked its
> improvements as far as Finale 2000c. With work-rounds that did a good job
> for me
> I produced a great deal of music, much of it for the adult learners'
> orchestra
> that I started in 1995.
> After a major computer crash in November I'm expecting to have a new
> computer
> and Finale 2014 for Windows very soon. I've had a chance to
> trial-and-error it a
> bit already, but not managed to find various things that I used a lot in
> the
> earlier version.  I'm hoping someone can help me to find them, even if
> just by
> telling me what to search on in the on-line help.
> 1. How can I increase the number of most recently closed items listed at
> the
> bottom of the File menu (default seems to be 4)?
> 2. How can I change the default font for e.g. the number above a
> multi-measure
> rest? I found a specific item for the default music font, but not the
> extensive
> list(s) I expected for all sorts of other elements.
> 3. I haven't found a way to respace a number of bars if e.g. I want to
> enlarge a
> multi-measure rest and then space the remaining bars in the line equally.
> I'm
> puzzled that it doesn't seem to be a possibility related to the menu that
> appears when I right click on one of the "measure spacing handles". I'm
> sure I
> must be missing something.
> Hopefully...
> Patsy
> --
> Patsy Moore <>
> Conductor, Arranger etc. Da Capo (Do All Come And Play Orchestra!)
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