Try Preferences: Edit: Respect Instrument Ranges


Steve P.

> On 23 Jan 2015, at 19:29, Don Hart <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone--Happy New Year,
> Got to the end of a bigger project and like a few others on this list,
> decided to break out 2014 (10.9.5 on a MacBook Air).  I thought converting
> a string quintet arrangement to string orchestra would be a good job to
> figure out newer aspects of the program but not get "in too deep" while I'm
> checking things out.
> A lot of things went as expected or better, but I thought I'd bring up a
> problem I experienced.  I often enter hairpins in one line for a section of
> music and copy them from that line into other parts. Last night when I was
> doing this, Finale randomly lowered the music that was receiving the
> hairpins an octave--in other words, most lines were OK, but some
> inexplicably wound up transposed down an octave.  Only thing checked in the
> Edit Filter window was Smart Shapes (Assigned to Beats), which was as close
> as I could get to the Smart Shapes (Assigned to Measures) that I used tor
> this purpose in 2011.
> Haven't noticed this being brought up here--has anyone else experienced
> this?
> Thanks,
> Don Hart
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