Hi folks, I have a massive project due Thursday, and some big problems with
it. I know I probably should have exported this into some other program,
but I want to keep be able to keep working on the music. It is a musical
with pages of text interspersed between songs. my collaborator wants to
move some of the songs, but this means I have to read a sign every page of
text. Is there some way to delete pages of music, while at the same time
keeping the pages of text relative to the same location?
Right now, if I move a song to a later position in the score , the text
stays assigned to the same page number, instead of its place in the score.

Thanks for any help.

Raymond Horton
Composer, Arranger
Minister of Music, Edwardsville (IN) United Methodist Church
Retired Bass Trombonist, Louisville Orchestra, 1971-2016
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