Darcy James Argue<djar...@icloud.com>  wrote:

> One major kink is that yKey (formerly iKey) shortcuts that involve simulating 
> mouse movements (?Move To?) no longer seem to work.
> I?m not sure if any yKey users have found a solution to this?
> The only Finale command I need a simulated mouse click for is to 
> advance/retreat one measure in Scroll View ? but I REALLY need a keyboard 
> shortcut for that, as trying to accurately scroll right or left using a Magic 
> Trackpad is still basically impossible, even in Finale v25.
> Since Finale does not have a menu command or a built-in shortcut key for 
> advance/retreat one measure, the only way to get a shortcut for this is to 
> simulate a mouse click on the measure forward/back buttons. But OS X 10.11 
> seems to have rendered that part of yKey non-functional? unless I?m missing 
> something?
I use an auxiliary program called AutoHotkey for which I wrote a script 
to invoke a macro in response to function keys or key combinations.  
These can simulate mouse clicks or other key sequences that I use 
frequently.  The mouse clicks occur at particular positions on the 
screen, so I need a full screen display of Finale; the key sequences 
apply to the currently active program.   I am on Windows 10 currently 
and I don't know whether it is available on Mac but I expect there are 
several other programs that offer similar facilities.

Ken Moore
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