One of the notation innovations that George Crumb uses is a left-augmentation-dot to create a single note value that fills a 5/4 bar. That is, a whole note with an augmentation dot on both the left and the right. I suppose the logic is that the one on the right adds a half and the one on the left takes a way a quarter (mirroring a second dot on the right that would add a quarter).
This notation is very attractive to me. Though non-standard it is simple to comprehend and quite obvious in the limited context in which Crumb deploys it. (Solely to fill 5/4 bars.) Making this notation in Finale is straightforward, using an invisible tuplet on a double-dotted note, then adjusting the dot positions. My question is does anyone know if Crumb invented this notation? And also does anyone else use it? _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list To unsubscribe from finale send a message to: