In my early attempts to transcribe music (already written) into 
Finale, I am finding myself wanting to do several things in the middle 
of a bar which Finale appears, by default, to do only between bars.  If 
anyone knows how to do these, I would be grateful for any hints.  I 
cannot seem to find information on how to do these in the help pages, or 
even any evidence that they can be done within bars.

      Change key signature.  So far, I have found out only how to do it 
between bars.  And is it possible to change the default double-bar for a 
between-bars key signature change that seems to be the default?

      Change time signature.  I realize this is unusual, but I think it 
can make sense in certain situations.  For example, it can be found 
several times in Beethoven's 31st Piano Sonata, Op. 110, where, in the 
last movement, 12/16 changes to 6/8 mid-bar, then back and forth another 
couple of times, always mid-bar:

      Put opening or closing repeat marks (or a mark containing both the 
end of a repeat and the start of a new one) - possibly also in 
conjunction with first- and second-time bars for the repeat that is 

      Are there any ways of doing these things inside a bar?  In all 
cases, it is far preferable if it plays back correctly - but if this is 
impossible, correct notation is in the end paramount.  But I am willing 
to do things a harder way if they will also play back correctly.
      Thank you.

Michael Edwards.

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