There isn't a downloadable manual for recent versions of Finale.

The best I know of would be to purchase the book "Finale 2014 Trailblazer."

Of course downloading that manual for 2009 may provide a lot of insight 
and you may find that not a lot has changed since then.  At least the 
basics should be the same.

MakeMusic assumes that users are always online and they have decided in 
their not-so-infinite wisdom that it's easier for them to keep their 
online content up-to-date.

While Finale is a great program there is much to dislike about MakeMusic 
(and its corporate parent) as a business.  Which probably explains why 
it has passed through so many different ownerships in the past decade. 
Each new corporate owner knew they had a couple of great products 
(Finale and SmartMusic) but none of them knew how to expand their market 
share nor how to please their current user base by fixing long-standing 
bugs.  In addition it has been many versions since anything significant 
was added to the program.  And tech support remains an indecipherable 
mess where the first response always seems to be something like "We 
can't replicate the problem on our end.  Can you provide more specific 
instructions?"  Whereupon you simply resend your initial request for 
help because you spelled out the specific instructions to replicate the 

But through it all the program itself remains very powerful and very 

Good luck,
David H. Bailey

On 8/17/2017 4:38 AM, Michael Edwards wrote:
> Hallo.
>        Following links I was given when I joined here a week or two ago,
> I tried to find a downloadable manual, because I am not on line a lot of
> the time when I use Finale; but so far I have found a manual only from
> 2009, and, while a lot of what it says is applicable to the current
> version, some things appear not to be.
>        Perhaps I got the links I was given mixed up, but I still haven't
> found a current downloadable manual yet.  Is there one? - or do
> MakeMusic assume users are always on line?
>        If anyone can please point me to it, I would be grateful.  (And if
> someone has already point to this, I apologize - it will mean I have got
> my information mixed up somehow.)
>        Thank you.
> Michael Edwards.
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