On 4/20/2018 8:28 AM, Martin Nickless wrote:
> Hi
> May I just ask what may seem very simplistic but what difference does dorico 
> have on somebody i.e. myself that is primarily writing big band scores and 
> small jazz groups quartets quintets etc
> to my mind finale works perfectly well for those type of projects
> Martin

For someone like you Dorico won't offer anything you can't already do 
just fine in Finale, other than the frustration of needing to learn a 
new software product.

If Finale works perfectly well for you there's no need to change to a 
different notation product unless/until your version of Finale stops 
working with whatever future version of your OS happens to be on your 

That's always the challenge for a new product in any field -- offering 
sufficient improvements for a sufficient number of customers to make it 
worthwhile to purchase the new product.  And with Finale and Sibelius 
already fairly mature products with established user bases, a new 
product like Dorico (or Forte or Notion) has to offer benefits to a wide 
potential user base, and so far I don't see any

The benefit Dorico would offer someone like you would be if you were 
planning on writing a major work, say a 90-minute cohesive jazz work 
which would have short movements each of which would use a different 
size ensemble.  Of course with Finale you would most likely just create 
different files, one for each piece.  In Dorico you *might* find a more 
elegant way of accomplishing the desired end result all within one 
single file.  But outside of such a large project, Dorico won't offer 
you anything other than a more elegant notation font perhaps, and a 
different approach to entering the notes and getting the desired result 
on paper.

But if Finale works fine for you now, there's no need to change.

David H. Bailey
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