I take your point that they "could" do some of the abstraction that is 
inherent in the newer programs.  I am not seeing anything that suggests 
to me they are at all interested in matching up to Dorico.  Indeed, the 
only recent statements I could find were very much oriented to 
SmartMusic and not Finale.  If they actually are making a significant 
investment in the program (which I question), I suggest it would be wise 
for them to take note of the major advances in the past 2 years in both 
Dorico and Sibelius, and communicate much more openly with the Finale 
user base.

On 4/20/2018 5:57 PM, Robert Patterson wrote:
> I'm saying you are selling Finale short. While I agree 100% that
> cautionaries (for example) are a problem, you are sellling it way short to
> characterize it as a mere note paint program. (Accis in particular, are now
> completely controlled by code, as opposed to relying on the document data,
> so all it would take is for them to add the code for cautionaries.) Finale
> has always had a paradigm that was designed for dynamic adjustment to
> revisions. There is absolutely nothing stopping Makemusic from implementing
> much of that right now. It just has not been their priority for many
> frustrating years.
> Where Finale is fundamentally limited is in being chained to barlines. To
> the extent Dorico capitalizes on its (presumed) lack of such limitation,
> Finale will struggle to keep up, no matter how committed the company
> becomes to catching up. But I also am unsure how much it matters for the
> huge majority of music notation users.
> Finale could do so much more for its users and always could have. I share
> your frustration. But I also work very quickly in it and have developed a
> workflow that often lets me do (for example) page layout of linked parts in
> just a few clicks. (That really depends on the complexity of the music.) I
> know they have not stopped working on it, and they still have many senior
> developers. I wouldn't count them out yet.

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