On Sat, 4 May 2002, Brian Offermann wrote:

> Are there any Cocoa or Carbon apps in the fink tree?
> Besides XDarwin.app (is that in fink?)

If I remember right [not on a Mac right now], Gnuplot puts a drawing
application in /sw/Applications, and emacs-carbon puts an "Aquatic" 
version of Emacs in there. I think that's the only two though.
> Aside from the fact that the /sw path wouldn't be the most
> sensible location for such programs, is there anything
> precluding them from inclusion?  There isn't any "linux
> commandline and X ports only!!"  policy, is there? 

Um, I think so, but don't quote me on that. In my opinion, I agree with
you -- I think putting more general OSX targeted software out through Fink
would be great. But in the opinion of the people primarily maintaining the
project right now, this would be too far outside the scope of the project
(though independent efforts to port things along-side the Fink framework
would be okay). 

I can understand the reasoning, but still it would be nice if things like
Chimera, Newsflash, Fire, OpenOffice, etc were Finkable. OH well. In true
open source ethos, if you think it's a good idea & have the time to spend
on it, you can always help get such a project going... :)

Chris Devers                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

"More war soon. You know how it is."    -- mnftiu.cc


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