Hmmm, you've sparked some new observations:

I don't have a .tcshrc, but I do have .bashrc.

.bashrc contains an alias that's never worked for some reason. (!)

I put the source... line in the .bashrc file, as well. Made a new terminal 
window, tried "fink", and it still didn't work.

I ran the "source /sw/bin/init.csh" line by hand, and it worked. So Remi 
was right; the owner and permissions for that file are fine.

I also confirmed that I am using bash. Thanks, Remi.

So my new observation is that my .cshrc and .bashrc files are not being 
used when I start a new bash shell. 

Can anyone tell me why not and how to fix the problem?

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Remi Mommsen wrote:

> Hi,
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 11:06  AM, Birdy Complex wrote:

> > Perhaps my .cshrc file is failing to do anything because it's an admin
> > file trying to run a root file. In that case, what should I do, chown 
> > my
> > .cshrc file to root?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> > Complex
> Do you have a .tcshrc file in your home directory? If yes, insert the 
> source /sw/bin/init.csh into the .tcshrc file. Otherwise, check if you 
> are really running tcsh:
> # echo $SHELL
> /bin/tcsh
> The ownership of a file is less important than the permissions on it. 
> The ls of my  init.cs:
> -rw-rw-r--  1 root  admin  2693 Sep 21 17:59 init.csh
> The permissions are coded in the beginning: -rw-rw-r-- stands for user 
> (root) can read (r) and write (w) the file, the group (admin) can do 
> the same, while the rest (world) can only read this file. Thus anybody 
> on my system can read (source) the init.csh.
> I hope that helps.
> Cheers,
>               Remi

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