sorry for sending the wrong address.

following the instructions for installayion for new jaguar users, but i got confused and thought i was using instrudtions for upgrading. i removed and reinstalled fink and started again from the new users instructions. the result being ,bootstrap,sh either with with or with or without sudo in /sw and several subdirectories gives command not found. so far i've gotten no further, so i removed fink again. i went through the installlation program long enough to see it says upgrade then backed out.

current situation is "unknown files may have had their perms changed making my box unboobable" i can't afford to wipe it and start over. i have os x 10.2 cds, and after i instqlled those applied several security and other patches to it. so it is now 10.2.2.

does anyone know which files get perms changed that make it unbootable? fink is NOT installed again because it says upgrade during install.

Can anyone walk me through this and or get me silc (an encrypted chat client.

sorry again for not being complete.


thanks for any help in advance

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