Chris Beamis wrote:
1) Does anyone know how to fix the errors below?
They are harmless, you can ignore them.

    Am I supposed to have a .Xauthority file in my local directory?
You can create one by saying (while X11 is running)

  xauth generate :0 .

(don't forget the dot at the end). "man xauth" has the explanations.

2) Is there any way to make the windows served up by the X server
    show where they are going when you 'grab' them with a mouse to
    move them?  I was able to move mine but it is a blind process as
    I can't see where the window is going until I release the mouse button.
twm is the most primitive window manager possible. You can configure it somewhat by putting directives into a file ~/.twmrc. Read "man twm". "OpaqueMove" would probably be interesting for you. It slows down window moving, though.

But it might be better to use a more comfortable window manager, like fvwm2, windowmaker, enlightenment, sawfish, blackbox, .... Most of these are configurable through menus.


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