On Wednesday, February 25, 2004, at 09:08 PM, Alan N wrote:

Hey All.. Appreciate the suggestions but NOTHING has worked. Again to rehash, on my emac, I can open X11 and type pan, xmms, whatever and it starts.
I have been over the faq's, the reply emails, simply NOTHING has fixed my problem..

That is again, if I open X11, it opens a term, just like the emac, but when I type the command, it says command NOT FOUND.

If I do cd /sw/bin then ./APPWHATEVER it works..


You may already be crazy, but don't be too concerned. It's not a bad place to be :-}.

First, stop thinking that this is all magic. There *is* a rational explanation, and you just have to find it.

Here's what I understand from what you have said in this message:

On your 'emac':
- Apple's X11 works, and you can, from an xterm, run X-apps without apparent problem
On your 'iBook':
- Apple's X11 works, but you can *not*, from an xterm, run X-apps at all.

We need some information:
Regarding your 'emac':
  - what version of Mac OS X are you running?
  - what is the shell in the xterm?
  - what is the PATH variable set to?

Regarding your 'iBook':
  - what version of Mac OS X are you running?
  - what is the shell in the xterm?
  - what is the PATH variable set to?

This will get us on the road to diagnosing the problem. It appears to be either a problem with your PATH variable, or with configuration differences between the two systems.



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large  *
Institute for General Semantics        |    Men are from Earth.
                                       |    Women are from Earth.
                                       |       Deal with it.

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