On Jul 20, 2004, at 6:58 AM, david bonde wrote:

When I try to install ghostscript:

% sudo fink install ghostscript

and picking all the default choices the installation process ends up with this error message:

You shouldn't necessarily pick the defaults, by the way.

### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't batch-install packages: /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/ xfree86_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/x11-system/xfree86- shlibs_4.3.99.16-2_darwin-powerpc.deb

Can you quote from further back in the error message? This isn't very helpful--this could be the error from having an externally installed X11 (e.g. Apple's) or when you try to switch from Fink's XFree86-4.2.x to 4.3.x or later.

I have read the FAQ about xfree troubles, especially

http://fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-packages.php?phpLang=en#apple- x11-wants-xfree86


http://fink.sourceforge.net/faq/usage-packages.php?phpLang=en#wants- xfree86-on-upgrade

and followed their advice but it still does not work.

You never mentioned your OS version, your Fink version, whether you have another X11 version installed....

When I

% sudo fink selfupdate

I get this error message

### execution of /usr/bin/su failed, exit code 1
Failed: Updating using CVS failed. Check the error messages above.

Once again, you need to quote from further back. However, in this case you should either switch over to rsync selfupating, or read the FAQ:


However, this seems to work:

% sudo fink list -i system-xfree86
Reading package info...
Updating package index... done.
Information about 1723 packages read in 30 seconds.

Clearly, you don't have the system-xfree86 virtual packages. What version of Fink do you have (run "fink --version")? If you are on an old version the system-xfree86 virtual packages won't get generated.

But this does not look right:

% sudo dpkg -r --force-all system-xfree86 system-xfree86-42 system-xfree86-43
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove system-xfree86 which isn't installed.
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove system-xfree86-42 which isn't installed.
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove system-xfree86-43 which isn't installed.

This is entirely correct--you don't have those packages, so dpkg can't remove them.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

% fink -V Package manager version: 0.20.1 Distribution version: 0.7.0.cvs

Copyright (c) 2001 Christoph Pfisterer
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 The Fink Package Manager Team
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Alexander Hansen
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