> On Oct 27, 2016, at 09:32, Mike Wilkes <mike.wil...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> So the "apt-get" looks for a binary of it?  Here is the output from an 
> install attempt of transfig-graphicx:
> MacBook-Pro:~ Mike$ fink install transfig-graphicx
> Password:
> Information about 10165 packages read in 2 seconds.
> The following package will be installed or updated:
>  transfig-graphicx
> Reading buildlock packages...
> Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies!
> Fink isn't sure how to install the above packages safely. You may be able to 
> fix things by running:
>   fink scanpackages
>   sudo apt-get update
>   sudo apt-get install transfig-graphicx=3.2.5d-1014
> Failed: Fink::SysState: Could not resolve inconsistent dependencies
> MacBook-Pro:~ Mike$ 
> Any help?

Drat.  It’s my least favorite “inconsistent dependencies” mode, where there 
isn’t any output.  What happens if you try “fink build transfig-graphicx” to 
attempt to separate build from install issues?

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