> On Dec 15, 2016, at 11:00, Schneider <schne...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> Alexander:
>> The list archives exist in multiple places, though those aren't all
>> currently in the email footers.
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/fink/mailman/?source=navbar has links to
>> the direct sourceforge list archives.
> Ok.  I found it awkward to use.  One has to go to the end of the list
> that appears from a search for 'xfig' - and then it is not easy to
> find the relevant postings.  I didn't find the discussion if there was
> one …

We have literally no control over that, sorry.

>> We can probably make an older xfig available, but it would take a bit
>> of effort.
> That would be good!
>> There's an immediate (albeit ugly) workaround, however, which is to
>> copy your text from another window and paste it into an xfig text box.
> I put text into my OS X buffer but it doesn't paste into the window.

It does for me.  

For example, I just now entered some text in an OS X Terminal window, selected 
and copied it, and then used middle-click (since I have a two-button mouse with 
a scroll wheel here) to paste the text into a file dialogs in xfig.  

> I found that I have the old xfig binary but it now doesn't allow
> typing in text boxes either!  I suspect that my switch to XQuartz is
> responsible.  Does anyone know about this?  How do I switch back to
> X11?
> Tom
>  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
>  Senior Investigator
>  National Institutes of Health
>  National Cancer Institute
>  Center for Cancer Research
>  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
>  Molecular Information Theory Group
>  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
>  schne...@mail.nih.gov
>  https://schneider.ncifcrf.gov (current link)
>  https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms (permanent link)

It’s possible that the update to XQuartz broke keystroke entry into the file 
dialogs here, but I haven’t found any reports about it yet other than here so I 
don’t know for sure.

XQuartz is the only supported Xwindows option for 10.8 +.  
Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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