Hi Peter.  I agree that ultimately we need the ability to generate more
than two debs from the same package file.  (This is actually a bit different
from the other issue that has been discussed from time to time, namely
several variants of a package (like x/no-x) which would each require
a separate compile.)  There are two things to consider:
 1) most of the packages with shared libraries can get away with generating
    only two debs, at least in the short run.  We need to get packages
    converted to that format as quickly as we can, because (as I found
    out in the case of libpng) the more other packages that depend on
    a given package, the harder it is to disentagle things to the point
    where the shared libraries policy does some good
 2) the modifications that need to be made to fink should be done in a
    way that generalizes to more than two debs, and maybe they should
    only be done once.

I saw the design of a "Type: shlibs" .info file as fairly straightforward.
I guess you are proposing instead "Type: multi", with the field Debs
specifying the list of package variants.  Maybe the other fields that
are getting a variant should be hyphenated for easier parsing?  Like
Shlibs-BuildDepends or Bin-Conflicts.

I put the 15 sample files on CVS so that folks could play with them.
I was too hasty with this, however!  Max, quite correctly, got angry
that I had created a new CVS directory in a poor location and without
consulting anyone else.  So if somebody has a better suggestion for
where in CVS to put our samples, I'd be happy to hear it.

  -- Dave

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