Hi there,

today I stumbled upon a problem in the dcmtk-3.5.1 package I made (which
is included in finks unstable branch):

dcmtk installs a bunch of headers into a directory structure which is
normally located at /usr/local/dicom/include/

There are some header files which go directly into this directory, and a
lot more in subdirectories for the different parts of dcmtk. 

In my package, I just set the prefix=%i, so a few headers are installed
to %p/include. And this is the problem because one of these headers is
config.h. Obviously this is a BadThing and breaks compilation of a lot
of packages because their config.h is not included... :-( (This also
violates one of fink's filesystem rules, I know).

I want to fix this, but I have some questions about that:
What would be the best way to put the headers into a new location? I
can't just set prefix to something like %i/include/dcmtk because this
results in a wrong hierarchy from there (%p/include/dcmtk/include and
%p/include/dcmtk/lib). It seems that I can't set the includedir from the
commandline, this is set in a global Makefile.def.

The two options I see are:
- patch Makefile.def to put the headers somewhere else, not in
- move the headers to a different directory in the InstallScript

Any other hints/suggestions?

Another question is: How do I make sure that the "bad" headers are
removed when somebody updates to the new version of the package?

Sorry if some of the questions seem to obvious, but I am just


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