If I understand correctly what the dpkg shlibs stuff will eventually do
for us, at some point in the future each fink package which provides
shared libraries will need to give some data about those libraries to
be used by the dpkg-shlibs system.

Max, will we put this directly in the .info file, do you think?  Something

Shlibs: <<
  zlib 1 zlib (>= 1.1.4)

(to use the example from the Debian policy manual
  http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html )

Or maybe it goes in a separate file?

The reason for bringing this up now is it would be good to start encouraging
people to provide this information in their packages, pretty soon.  To
avoid "fink validate" problems, we might want to add one more field (Shlibs)
to the list of known fields right now, before the package manager release.

  -- Dave

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