On Wed, 2002-05-22 at 10:39, Hester, Jeffrey W. wrote:
> This true.  I tried to use qt compiled in gcc2 with my other code in gcc3
> without success.  I believe it has something to do with the c++ name
> mangling in the two different compilers.
> I'm dependent on qt3 (the software I'm porting to OS X from Irix and Linux)
> and unfortunately qt3 also has problems compiling on my Mac with Apple's
> gcc3.1.  I heard where someone actually compiled qt3 successfully in gcc3.1.
> (Maybe Alexander.)  What's the best way to work out these issues?
> (David, thanks for the mention BTW.)

Just an FYI, I've just committed an updated qt3 patch that fixes
compilation with gcc3.  Note that this does not fix the "mysterious
freezing" issue that got mentioned in this thread before, however.  I've
been unable to reproduce it.

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
http://defiance.dyndns.org/ / http://radio.scenespot.org/
...if humanoids eat chicken, then obviously they'd eat their own
species.  Otherwise they'd just be picking on the chickens. -- Kryten


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