On Saturday, June 1, 2002, at 09:59 PM, Ben Hines wrote:
> At 6:20 PM -0700 6/1/02, Torrey T. Lyons wrote:
>> At 7:35 PM -0400 6/1/02, Kyle Moffett wrote:
>>> /usr/bin/ld: .libs/XftConfig.o illegal reference to symbol: 
>>> _XftConfigLexFile defined in indirectly referenced dynamic library 
>>> /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.1.dylib
>>> Does anybody know how to fix this?
>>> April 2002 Dev Tools
>>> Mac OS X 10.1.4
>> Umm, have you tried adding -lXft? I believe the linker is unhappy 
>> about a pulling in symbols indirectly from a library not on the link 
>> line. BTW, I would have thought that -lSystem is unnecessary as it 
>> should be included automatically. I would have also thought you could 
>> use a lot more -lkio -lkdeui, etc. instead of /sw/lib/libkio.dylib, 
>> /sw/lib/libkdeui.dylib, etc. since you have -L/sw/lib listed on the 
>> command line.

Yes, those would work, I am well aware of what it would take to fix the 
problem, but I wanted to report a bug in the Fink package.

> Well, yes, but somehow i doubt he (Kyle) is messing with these options, 
> Torrey. :) This is the fink list...  Presumably to install, he is using 
> simply "fink install kdebase3-ssl".

Yes, that is the case

> Something is presumably wrong with his installation.  kdebase3-ssl 
> installed fine here, though with the december tools installed, and i 
> used the "bundle-kde-ssl" bundle to install it. That might have made a 
> difference.

No, I used bundle-kde-ssl too, it installed kdelibs3-ssl and 
kdelibs3-ssl-dev, then tried to build kdebase3-ssl, and died after about 
7 hours of building (Ouch!)  Unfortunately, because of something weird 
with KDE, the binaries don't work either, grrr.  My compiler is set to 
gcc2.  Maybe it is the fact that gcc is present, as well as cc?

> -Ben
> -- http://homepage.mac.com/bhines/

Thanks for the help,
Kyle Moffett


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