
My suggestion is to make yourself a directory in the "experimental" CVS
module, and put the updated version there.  That way, people who need
it can be pointed to it, but someone who doesn't have the latest fink
from cvs won't be messed up.  After the next package manager release,
you can move it to the unstable tree (with the dependency as you suggest).

  -- Dave

jeff whitaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Martin Costabel wrote:
> > This is a bug that has been known for a couple of weeks. Its fix is
> > known, too, namely to use absolute path names in this situation. The
> > version of fink that understands this is in cvs, you are probably using
> > it.
> >
> > Until the package gets fixed, you can trick fink into thinking it is
> > using /sw: Make /sw a symlink to /usr/local/finksw and put /sw as
> > BasePath into your /sw/etc/fink.conf
> Folks:  Should I just fix this now in CVS, or wait for the next package
> manager release so I can make it depend on fink (>= 0.9.11)?
> -Jeff
> ---
> Jeffrey S. Whitaker         Phone : (303)497-6313
> NOAA/OAR/CDC  R/CDC1        FAX   : (303)497-6449
> 325 Broadway                Web   :
> Boulder, CO, USA 80305-3328 Office: Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-124
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