> I've tried with both source installers I could find on the Fink page.

Well, one is intended for 10.1 and one for 10.2, so that could be part of
the problem.

If you ran the bootstrap.sh found in the fink-0.4.1-full tarball, then you
installed an old, 10.1, version of fink and you need to do the upgrade
to 10.2.  But as Martin explained, the upgrade is slightly broken right
now and you may need to run "sudo /sw/lib/fink/postinstall.pl" in order
to fix it.

If you ran the bootstrap.sh found in the fink-0.11.0 tarball (as instructed
on the jag-bootstrap page) then everything should be fine.  If it is not,
let's try to debug some more.

  -- Dave

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