Hash: RIPEMD160

Hello guys,

first of all a note to Peter. You will never have to worry, that I decide on something prior to having the consent of all of you. I was merely stating, that I was going to look into the availability of merchant accounts. This is an important options we should consider.
The motivation is quote easily explained. We were in channel the other night and someone came in, asked a few questions and then offered himself to donate some funds to us. I found that to be a quite amazing attitude and I would have loved to tell that person go there and there and donate, we have everything setup for you.

As I said, I have no idea, how such merchant accounts work and that is why I am looking into them, getting more information which I would like to pass on to you guys. Ideally the setup would be somewhat like this:

I own the merchant account, since I will be the one paying the fees.
Only with my consent and a second persons consent money can be withdrawn.
Every transaction will be made public on the fink website, that includes donations and with-drawls along with all the maintenance fees.

What will it be used for? Well, we might end up meeting someday , we might wish to build a "build farm", we might wish to sponsor some specific coder for a month, there are various occasions I can think off, where some money out of a fund might be a very good idea.

The main reason for having such an account still holds, namely, that I do not have to turn people away who WANT to donate. I am not going to actively ask for it.


- -d
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