Hash: RIPEMD160

What is this sudden obsession with popularity and forcing ourselves down the public's throat all the time? I really don't get it. Sure, it's nice to be noticed, but it's better to be noticed legitimately than repeatedly spam freshmeat. I also highly doubt that most freshmeat readers would be interested in Fink, unless of course you were planning on targeting the OS X section, which has a very small reader base anyway AFAICT and so making your entire "exposure" issue go down the plug hole.

First of all, if you have a problem with me Finaly, then please tell me, because I am getting tired of seing only negativ comments whenever I say anything that might interest you in the least. Now with this being said on the emotional agenda let me try and explain to you based on hard facts.

a) We cannot "force ourselves donw the public's throat". I neither own CNN, nor do I have millions of Euro to waste on a marketing campaign. All I can do is utilise the tools and sites the public has already acclaimed as being worthwhile. Is it illogical to you, that I wish to do at least that to its maximal effect?

b) No one is "spamming" freshmeat. that statement in itself does not make sense, because freshmeat is a moderated medium with very strict rules. When we release a new version of the package manager, with whatsoever changes, I do find that a legitimate reason to let the public know about. Let them decide if it is important to them, but do not deprive them of the information. Passing on this kind of information does not hurt _anyone_. Neither Fink, nor you, nor anyone else. Furthermore I have to deal with the additional work load.

c) Of course I am targeting teh Mac OS X section. Just because there is no well established reader base yet, does not mean, that there wont be one in the near future. Looking at the current development in Mac OS X and what Apple does, I do think it is an educated guess that people might start switching even if they come from a "*nix* background. They WILL know about freshmeat and they most likely will use their section.


Sure, this makes sense... IF MAXIMUM PRESS EXPOSURE REALLY MATTERS TO YOU. I don't think it does to us -- it certainly doesn't to me, and Max has indicated that it's not one of his priorities either. I would say that it's more important to release when things are ready for projects like Fink -- pointless delays will only keep users in the dark and slow things down.

I will not comment on this. Fight it out with the Main Developers Finlay. It matters to me, If I am to be the honcho who deals with the media for all of you that belong to Fink, than it should be natural to respect certain wishes I have. I will not tell you how to implement a hash function or how to do things you wish to have done in a proper manner.

A shift of two days which can bring a significant improvement to all our efforts does not really count as "delaying" and "keeping users in the dark" in my eyes. I guess that is relative though.

The second and much more interesting reason is, that I was away from Thursday to Tuesday on a business Trip. I did not bring my Computer, so I need to catch up. Both on my work accounts and Fink.
Hum... Not trying to be rude, but why does this matter?

It does not. It is a matter of courtesy and respect if it matters to you. If you think I have contributed at least a bit, if you think that some things I might have done made sense, then it will matter. If you do not think that is the case, ignore it.

- -d

- - we may race and we may run, but we can not undo what has been done.
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